Call 724.502.2600
Basket Creations
For more than 30 years, Sister Donna Wojtyna has been an artisan specializing in wood carving and basketry. Blending faith, art, and love of the natural world, Sister Donna has completed commissions for churches, movie sets and individuals.
Sister Donna holds her BA and MA in Art Education and teaches basketry and wood carving.
Her beautiful baskets can be found for sale at:
Saving Grace Country Store 5901 Heckert Road Bakerstown, PA.
To make an appointment, call Sister Donna at 412-592-5654 (cell).
Basket repair also available by request. Call for details.
Intermediate Basket Weaving -
former students only
Wood Carving - no previous skill necessary
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
10:00 – 3:00 by appointment only
Fee: $10.00/hour + materials
Weaving students can select their preferred basket style
Class location:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Comm. Center
Exploring Art Class Details
Mondays 10:30 – 12:30 (except holidays)
Media choice by student:
Thursdays 10:00–12:00
(except holidays)
Media interest and choice of student
Fee: $8.00/hour + $10.00 material fee.
Pay as you attend. Checks payable to Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Contact Sister Dolores at 724-502-2581 or