Call 724.502.2600
Financial donations can be mailed directly to:
St. Benedict Monastery
3526 Bakerstown Rd.
Bakerstown PA 15007
Checks c/o: Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
For tangible donations of clothes, furniture, cars, please call the monastery at 724-502-2600
Acceptable donations include:
Cash, check, money order, credit cards,
clothing, furniture, automobiles and contributions from donor advised funds.
Planned giving:
In certain circumstances services can be donated. Please contact the Prioress, Sister Karen Brink, for more information.
Yes, donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Future gifts can also be given. Such gifts would include listing the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh as beneficiary in your will and/or life insurance, retirement, or estate plans.
We strongly encourage donors interested in making planned giving arrangements to do so through their attorney.
A message of gratitude to our benefactors
It has never been easier to donate!
The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh will apply your donation to the most needed budget line unless you request your donation be applied to a specific ministry.
Monetary gifts (via cash, check, credit card), personal property, securities, memorials, in-kind and matching gifts, and distributions from donor-advised funds are accepted and greatly appreciated.
“In their investment strategies, the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh participate in shareholder engagement activities that strive to change the way companies address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.”