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More than 40 years ago I made St. Benedict Monastery my home and the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh my family.
The years have gone fast; they have been good years, growth-producing, faith-deepening and fulfilling. My Sisters showed me what it means to love and serve others in the simple, everyday tasks of caring that life puts before us. They showed me what it means to go beyond myself to live with prayerful dedication and thankfulness. Because of them I became a better person, expanded my world view and matured in self and God awareness.
The encouragement and affirmation of my Benedictine Sisters enabled me to accept greater responsibility in ministering within the community, first as Liturgy Director, which allows me to use and further develop my creative musical and literary talents, then as Community Secretary, which calls me to be organized and conscientious in keeping Community records.
I love the values that are part of the Benedictine way of life, values that never grow old. I can truthfully say, after all these years of Benedictine living, I cannot imagine myself doing anything else that would be as fulfilling and right for me. I have grown into my place here and I cannot think of any place I would rather be.